Fascia Clinic
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is used to target the fascia that has become hypersensitive due to poor blood circulation and adhered fibrous connective tissue, which are presumed to be the cause of pain.
We mainly provide acupuncture treatment by “pulse acupuncture electrotherapy” in which several needles are applied to the affected area and electrodes are attached, and “jakutakujutsu” in which a single needle is used to stimulate the target tissue.
All acupuncture needles used in our clinic are disposable acupuncture needles.
Ultrasound image observation
By visually observing the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bone surfaces in tender areas, it is possible to understand the pathology more accurately.
Ultrasound image observation has many advantages, such as confirmation of the presence or absence of joint fluid accumulation, sprains and muscle tears, as it is possible to check the internal condition while pressing the affected area or moving the joint.
At our clinic, we also perform acupuncture treatment under echo guidance using this ultrasound image observation machine.
Acupuncture is inserted while watching the echo, so it is possible to perform more accurate treatment for the treatment target.
Fascia Release
Myofasial Treatment
We treat with Fascia Release Treatment.
Myofascial pain syndrome is a condition in which pain occurs when the fascia (fibrous connective tissue) becomes sensitive due to local adhesions and invagination of the fascia and connective tissue (fascia) caused by overuse, disuse, or long periods of time in the same position, resulting in a decrease in the gliding ability of the membrane tissue.
In order to properly treat the fascia that is causing this pain, it is necessary to thoroughly palpate the soft tissue and identify the area where the pain is being induced.
At our clinic, we use manual therapy and acupuncture to peel off the adhered connective tissue (fascia) and increase the gliding ability of the membrane tissue to promote improvement of symptoms.
This treatment style is the main feature of our clinic.
Please note that we do not provide relaxation massage, fatigue recovery treatments, beauty treatments, or skeletal correction (pelvis/bow leg correction).